Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Electricity - what an interesting subject for a blog!  :)  

A few days ago, I joined a class on recognizing and expressing Gratitude...every day for 28 days.  Each day I make a list of ten things/people I am grateful for.  For some reason I thought of electricity.  Most of the time, we take electricity for granted....it's there, it's working!  

POWER!  Power to run this computer.  Power to heat and cool ourselves and our food.  Power to view shows from around the world on television.  Power to light our way.  Power to operate machines that clean, open doors and lifts us in elevators.  Power to cut and dry our hair.  The list can go on and on.  

It's important now and then, to take a moment when we are using and enjoying these POWER options to say "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"  

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