Monday, May 8, 2017

I Got Caught....

I got caught burying my head in the sand.  Just like the ostrich burying his head in the sand when he sees danger, I have been ignoring my health.  Actually, did you know that the legend about the ostrich is incorrect?   And I guess "ignoring my health" is incorrect too, as I have felt quite fine.  

But, I'm not quite fine.  Today, I felt light-headed, head-achey and decided to leave the coffee hour early.  One of the residents here is a nurse and she insisted on taking my blood pressure which was high.  They strongly  suggested I go to the doctor.  For once, I followed someone's advise and did as they said.  My blood pressure was still high at the clinic.  So now I am on blood pressure medication, again.  

About 13 years ago, I was having head aches and ringing in my ears.  The doctor put me on blood pressure medications and I felt so much better.  Last year in the process of moving here, my prescription ran out and since my doctor was in Texas and I was not able to have a follow-up visit, no refills were allowed.  I thought, "I feel very good, maybe I just needed the medication while I was working.  I am going to try to live without medication." 

That thought frame went along with my decision to live without my diabetes medication.  Yes, I have been borderline diabetic for a few years now.  Again, I have been feeling quite fine without the medication, so I didn't pursue getting a new prescription.  Did I say that I hate going to the doctor?

So, today the doctor ordered a blood sugar lab test among other tests.  I got the call this afternoon that I need a fasting glucose test, which I am having tomorrow morning.  My blood sugar was quite high.  The highest I have ever recorded....although I have not been testing daily for about a year. Blame it on my good healthy feeling of living here in Wisconsin, right?  I guess the sands of the St Croix River were very conducive to me for burying my head in the sand.  

The body is a mysterious and complex organism.  It keeps us going even we think we are well, but we're not.  Good healthy living does not always cure whatever ails you.  I thought I was fine, but my body was breaking down and thankfully, there are medications to help make my body stronger.  I have to realize that I may never get rid of the hypertension or diabetes, but I can start the healing process of fixing the breaks in my body.  Don't be an ostrich, get your body checked.  

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