Sunday, April 13, 2014

Road Less Traveleed

Robert Frost's poem ends with ...
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
My hubby has been following the Texas wildflower reports and suggested that we travel back up north (about 4 hours) to see if we could capture some more photos.  Our trip last week to the northwest of San Antonio got us lots of bluebonnet photos, but few other types of wildflowers. 

So yesterday we took off going down some of the routes that the "reports" had suggested.  On one particular road, hubby suddenly turned left on a dirt road.  I asked, "Why?"  He replied, "Let's just see what's down this road."  Less than half mile the road ended so I said, "Turn right as this will probably take us back to the road we were on before."

A short time later we saw lots of cars parked along the road and when we cleared the woods, we came upon a small white church.    We parked on the other end of the church among the wildflowers.


 The parked cars had carried folks to the church for an outdoor picnic.  There were wildflowers everywhere!

Here are some more scenes from around the church including a twig cross in the back of the property.
I love this photo of the tree and the flowers
Yes, finding this old church and its flower filled yard was such a blessing - made all the difference in my weekend.

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