Thursday, March 7, 2013

Little Girls

 A couple of weeks ago, we went to the Ranch & Craft Day at a local museum.  Here I am learning how to twirl a rope with Flat Stanley and a cowboy.  We had Flat Stanley visiting us and we thought this would be a fun adventure for him, a way to experience and learn about south Texas.  I had a good time, don't know about him.  Though he couldn't wipe that smile off his face at the end of the day. 

Since I took my camera to document his visit, I found myself taking photos of the kids there.  In most cases, my photos involve little girls.  I am childless, but I did want one little girl at some point in my life.  So it seems I am attracted to little girls.  Here's some photos that I like.

Aren't they precious?  Here's a photo of a young girl tossing a lasso to rope a "bull."  She had a good arm and was successful.

Then finally is a photo of three girls and their brother.  I am not sure they understood English, but their smiles warmed my heart. The little girl on the left was quite apprehensive about this picture-taking scene.  She kept looking to her big sisters for guidance and comfort.  Just what big sisters and big girls are supposed to do!


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