Sunday, March 16, 2008

When it Rains it Pours

When it rain, it pours. It's a familiar phrase, yet I like the description that says it means it's a time when-all-hell-breaks-loose! Everything happens at once.

This week at work the stress was building up, I could feel it. On Monday, one of my staff informed me that she wanted to transfer to another department (the Business Office, my "parent" department). She will have "big shoes to fill," as her job is very involved and requires major attention to detail. Found out on Tuesday that her new boss, (my boss) had accepted her for the transfer. Wednesday, one of my new staff (of three weeks) decided the the job was not for her and resigned. Then I found out she had already interviewed in another department for a position. By Wednesday afternoon, I had a major sore throat.

I always know that when the stress really hits me and I absorb it all, I get sick. Thursday, I did feel better as the day went on, then came back to work at 10 PM for a meeting with staff. Friday morning, I was back to work at 7 AM & felt increasingly sick as day went on. Saturday, I spent the day in-bed and cancelled evening plans. Today, got up & went to church and then slept for 2.5 hours on the couch. Got up to see a note from hubby "1:20 Went to Pool." I proceeded to write him a note "1:35 Went to work." That's the luck-of-the-Irish! I work & he's at the pool.

I hoped to get my payroll done before tomorrow so that I could leave early as my sister & family are arriving for a vacation & I took the week off. Somehow the payroll systems locked-up on me and then I got an email from another staff person that was resigning "effective immediately." Oh, boy! Three resignations/transfer in one week! I guess that means I'd better cut my vacation short and get some interviews in so that I can hire three people.

I think I will just look at the Texas Lottery, maybe I won that & I could submit a "fourth" resignation of the week. Oh well, when it rains, it pours!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you had such a rough week. I hope you can feel better real soon. Hope you can enjoy your vacation with Robyn and family. Take care! Love, Lenesker

Anonymous said...

Hope things are looking up- We are concerned about you! You've been doing SOOOO well and deserve the best...If I was nearby I'd offer to help.
Your Mudhen Friends