Saturday, August 31, 2013

Showers of Blessings

For some reason....make that many reasons, I have the song, "Showers of Blessings" running through my head today.  As I wind down on one chapter of my life.... 36 work days left....and begin another chapter of my life....retirement; I can't help but think of all the blessings I have experienced in my life. 

I don't mean only the trips and places I have seen and experienced, but the little things that are really so BIG that it causes my heart to overflow with tears of joy!

A loving husband who supports me in my dreams and loves me unconditionally.   

A wonderful family that has stayed close in heart and soul; despite our differences in personality and lives. 

A whole bunch of friends from all phases of my life.... grade school, high school, work, church and our over-55 neighborhood.

A long career in the medical business field, that has changed so much and demands so much from those trying to get and provide medical services. 

A group of staff to work with that are committed to making the patient satisfied, even when they are exhausted and overwhelmed with all the demands their position requires of them.

A comfortable house that is mortgage-free! 

A car that runs safely and isn't prone to break down.

A bank account that allows me to buy the groceries that we need without wondering what I have to leave off the list.... and guess what I forgot to buy today...HEB Candy Bar Classic ice cream! 

I guess that's one of the reasons I am writing these gratitude thoughts is because if I can forget ice cream, I may just start forgetting all these blessings some day.  I hope not! 

1 comment:

Robyn Austin said...

Never forget ice cream! Feel blessed to be a part of your journey! Hope the shower keeps coming! Love ya!