Monday, March 21, 2011

It's About Time

It's been over a year since I posted any comments on my blog. It's about time I get back in the writing mode. Facebook doesn't allow me to go to any length on my comments and I can "sermonize" like the best of them. :)

What's been happening in my life since last March? Alot of travel and fun, working, and still trying to have peace in my life. I've been reading lately that people who have peace and serenity in their lives often achieve it by giving to others. Giving of their time, talents and treasures. Umm! Sounds like "stewardship." Sounds like "volunteering." Sounds like giving is the key to serenity. Yet we want serenity and peace, we want more. How does that work? In order to get or gather into ourselves, we need to give to others? In order to wrap our arms around ourselves with peace and serenity, we need to open our arms to others. Seems like opposites attract, right?


Robyn Austin said...

It's about time, alright! Good to see you back! Looking forward to more inspiration :)

Anonymous said...

It's about time is right! I haven't gone over to your blog in a while since you never put anything there. thanks for coming back. Love, Lene