Saturday, April 11, 2015

A Stagnant Story

I feel that my creativity has been on the setting of STAGNANT lately.  Perhaps it's due to so much leisure time (being retired), that I waste away my days playing computer games and looking for trouble.  Just kidding...about the later part.

Years ago, I got this game (Rory's Story Cubes) as a gift or purchase, can't remember which now.  It has nine dice and 54 images which creates 10 million combinations, infinite stories!  So I decided to give my creativity juices a challenge and rolled this combination.  Now, it's up to me to develop a paragraph or story based on these die.

As I was saying to myself, "Where has all my creativity gone?" I know that my actions point to the fact that I have been using my eyes to see flowers and taking photos of them.  Flowers act as a magnet to me and I like to get a macro view and I often spot bugs in the flowers like a beetle or a bee.  I don't need  a flashlight to shine on the fact that I'd rather read words in a book than create my own story sometimes.

Easy, eh?

Oh, what the heck! Let's try another one

I looked at the clock and realized that I only had 20 minutes to get to halls of "justice," the courthouse, for jury duty.  I knew it was a couple of miles from the house, one of the tallest buildings in McAllen.  So I trudged myself in and went through the process of waiting to be called.  It was a good thing I brought a book to read, as the wait was getting very boring. Luckily, in a few hours I was released from duty and escaped outside.  I was drawn like a magnet to the fountain in the courtyard, surrounded by trees.  In the fountain were not only the lucky pennies in the water, but fish and even a turtle.  I bet most of the lawyers in the building don't even notice this treasure! 

That's all folks!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're blogging again. I kept checking and nothing. And, now when I check it was weeks ago. Great creativity in your story telling. Lene

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're blogging again. I kept checking and nothing. And, now when I check it was weeks ago. Great creativity in your story telling. Lene