Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Getting Old or Getting Lazy?

Yesterday at a work meeting, several of us got on the subject of how many years of schooling it takes to get a masters in nursing or a degree in pharmacy. Every once in a while I think, "Maybe I should go back to school for....." Then I think, "Not!"

I have reached the point in my life where I don't want to learn much more. I want to just coast through my last working years and not tax my brain too much. That is somewhat burdensome to admit and somewhat embarrassing to admit. When did I get so old or so lazy or both? Even if I don't go to school, I still find that I'm learning on my job. Either it's skill and knowledge things that affect my department or it's personnel things on dealing with others. I wish I could learn how to turn off all the thoughts about work in the middle of the night or in the morning when I just want to get "one more hour of sleep." Some may call it "dedication," I call it frustrating! No more schooling for me, I spend enough of my hours at work, at least mentally that is!

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