Monday, May 25, 2009

A Dream of Heaven

There are no roads of gold or pearly gates in heaven - I've been there.

The "road" is a railroad track that the train comes through the last dark tunnel and drops off the souls with lightening speed. I stand there stunned. There are no pearly gates, it's a train depot platform and I'm surprised. The buildings around are small and colorful - every color of the rainbow- vibrant and vivid. I wonder - am I in a Mexican village? But the languages I hear people speaking are all types. What's amazing is I can understand them, all of them. I do not have long to be wondering where I am or who I'll know or worry if I'll be fearful? People come up to me and greet me by name and say, "Welcome" "We've been expecting you." "What took you so long?" The hugs, kisses, and hand shakes fill me with warmth beyond all understanding. The people guide me to the edge of the platform and I see flowers everywhere. I look for a path between the flowers to step down to avoid stepping on the flowers, but the realization hits me - I need no path to take me anywhere - I have arrived! Stepping on the flowers is like stepping on Mom and Dad's bed mattress years ago as a child - soft, springy and a little uneven at first. But then the walking becomes natural. I look back and see the flowers spring back to their full beauty, my footprint disappears. On earth I worried about what kind of "footprint" I would leave and I now I realize it doesn't matter. I can feel love and acceptance everywhere - all around me. Yet I soon realize it's not about "me." Here in heaven, there is no better, worse, bigger, smaller, richer, or poorer - all are equal. It's so freeing. I wonder why I struggled on earth when this glory was my ultimate destination?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Rayna. What a dream. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.